
Thursday 20 March 2014

International Day of Happiness

March feels like the month that every week there is a different International Day of... There are a few which I take notice of, but not many. The International Day of Happiness was something I felt I could get my teeth stuck into.

I am a bit (read: massive) worrier. I can worry about everything, and I do it very well. So because someone some where decided today is a day to happy I will jump on the band wagon. I do it on pancake today, so why not today?

Things that make me happy:

I don't think I make enough effort to tell my friends how much I appreicate them and how much they mean to me. I have friends who I speak to everyday, they probably know everything about me and are always there when I need their help or advice, and I would like to think I do the same for them. Spending time and talking to them is something I will always value and something that will always make me happy.

My family. Again they are always there for me and I am happy to know they will be there for me, support me and that they make me happy when I spend time with them.

My boyfriend. He is great (I might even go as far to say he is the best) and I am not the best at showing my appreciation, but I think I am getting better. That's because he makes me so happy I can show it.

There are the more day-to-day things that make me happy; massive mugs of tea, eating (everything), how relaxed I feel when I am crafting (with a little help from Pinterest), my ability to laugh things off and how I can be happy when I am on my own.

I feel like I could write a very long list of things that make me happy (which makes me very lucky), and today has made me really think about all the things that make me happy. And how I should make more effort to worry less, as sometimes there are things I just can't fix or need to worry about. I should just be more happy.

So thanks to the person who decided 20th March is the International Day of Happiness, today I will be happy and I will always be aware of things that me happy!!

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